JustBob Blog: news and curiosity from the CBD Flower world

when harvest marijuana light CBD

MARIJUANA MUST BE HARVESTED IN A PRECISE TIME FRAME. THAT’S WHEN YOU SHOULD DO IT Did you want to finally develop some of that green thumb that you feel you have inside and you have decided to start this adventure with a legal weed cultivation? If you want to know what you need to start […]

the purple marijuana light CBD

DISCOVER ALL THE VARIETIES OF PURPLE MARIJUANA AND WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF PURPLE CBD MARIJUANA In the Hindu Kush region, between Afghanistan and Pakistan, a large amount of wild mountain marijuana grows free: the same CBD cannabis that we also find legally in our cities, when it is controlled and has a low quantity of […]

marijuana herbal tea infusion

PREPARATION OF MARIJUANA HERBAL TEA (AND THE BENEFITS ASSOCIATED WITH ITS ASSUMPTION) Relaxing herbal teas have always been a great non-medical method to relax nerves, stretch and in many cases help sleep catch on. If those with molasses, ginger or the addition of chamomile flowers have long been a fixed presence in many homes, another […]

What is synthetic marijuana, how to recognize it and why it could be very dangerous.

WHAT IS SYNTHETIC MARIJUANA, HOW TO RECOGNIZE IT AND WHY IT COULD BE VERY DANGEROUS Other than CBD marijuana alarm: synthetic marijuana, a very different product from legal cannabis, is scaring many people. For example, in New Haven Green, a park in Connecticut, 72 overdoses were found, of which 6 were very close to death. […]

marijuana sativa or indica

MARIJUANA CAN BE INDICA OR SATIVA. DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TWO CANNABIS VARIETIES When we talk about Cannabis and CBD cannabis we often focus on its effects and benefits. We talk about both THC and CBD, their properties and we remember to keep our eyes wide open on where to buy CBD hash or […]

Marijuana Amnesia Haze justbob

California Haze marijuana, the tropical blend with fruity flavors The California Haze is a cannabis plant (and CBD marijuana) of American origins, but its maximum diffusion occurred in the Netherlands. One of the indoor growing areas in Italy is located in the Upper Piedmont in a specially designed and highly controlled environment. This variety of marijuana, […]

Unearthing the world of legal weed in Europe

The marijuana craze and crave… It is fast becoming bigger and bigger with each passing day. The best part of it all is that the legalization of marijuana is going global, the Europen Union is not left out. Despite a lower explosion in European countries, the European CBD market share is touted to increase by […]

CBD Everywhere, a Miracle or a Fad?

Cannabidiol: the new magical elixir? “Branded as the new magical elixir, Cannabidiol is increasingly being used over a wide range of applications such as pharmaceuticals, dog treats, and even bath bombs just to mention but a few. This begs the question, does it do all this, or is it a fad being used to fix […]

THC: what is tetrahydrocannabinol?

THC: the most important active cannabis ingredient The first cannabis crops date back more than 5000 years, probably in Central Asia and it is believed that it probably arrived in Europe at least in 500 B.C. No wonder then that marijuana has been used for a long time as a medicinal plant, seen and known […]

legal marijuana effects

WHAT IS CBD CANNABIS? CBD cannabis, also known as light cannabis, is the product of Sativa cannabis female inflorescences: in fact the selection is made among  those that contain minimum concentrations of THC (below 0.2%) and high concentrations of CBD. It is a non-narcotic substance that differs from all those that have, instead, high levels […]