Cbd is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory that comes directly from hemp. Here are the studies that confirm the properties of cannabidiol.
Since the advent of CBD cannabis and products derived from it, such as CBD oil, cannabidiol has become increasingly famous in Italy and many other countries worldwide.
But what is cannabidiol, and its acronym: CBD?
It is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid contained in high percentages in legal marijuana (and to a lesser extent in high THC marijuana), and it interacts beneficially with our body. For example, CBD is a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory and has many other currently studied properties in multiple research institutes.
Today we want to focus on the pain-relieving effect of CBD, talking to you about the studies conducted on it and its natural therapeutic potential.
Get ready to read carefully!
What is CBD (for short), and how it can be an effective pain reliever
CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid, an active ingredient found naturally in hemp plants. We can find it in high quantities in legal CBD flowers and other products such as CBD oil, legal hash, and even topical products.

Unlike THC, CBD has no psychotropic effects, so it doesn’t affect our psyche in any way. Instead, it acts on the body level by limiting inflammation, pain, muscle spasticity and numerous other problems, often linked to even serious pathologies.
Research into the effects of CBD used as a pain reliever is promising, so much so that many people use hemp drops for chronic pain as an alternative to opioids. Yet CBD oil is not (yet) reputed to be a therapeutic product, as more studies are needed to confirm the benefits of cannabidiol on humans.
Specifically, several studies have shown that CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system, which comprises the endocannabinoid receptors of our brain and immune system.
These receptors are precisely small proteins bound to cells whose main job is to pick up signals and help cells respond to them. When the receptors interact with CBD, receiving cannabinoid signals, they respond in different ways: the most evident is the alleviation of pain and inflammation, but there is no lack of immuno-regulation, antiemetic, antispasmodic effects and much more.
In particular, CBD appears to be extremely useful in combating chronic pain, neuropathic pain, migraines, and even cancer-related pain.
Now let’s see the two topics most studied on humans: cannabidiol as a painkiller to fight chronic pain and caused by therapies to fight cancer.
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CBD for osteoarthritis, arthritis and other conditions that cause chronic pain
The analgesic effect of CBD can help people with chronic pain such as back pain, arthritis, osteoarthritis and much more.
For example, a 2016 study (Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis, published in Eur J Pain) evaluated the cannabidiol benefits in laboratory mice with arthritis.
The mice received 0.6, 3.1, 6.2, or 62.3 milligrams of CBD for 4 consecutive days. The researchers noted that mice given low doses of cannabidiol found no significant benefit. In contrast, mice that took at least 6.2 mg of CBD per day experienced a marked reduction in both pain and joint swelling.
Scholars may hypothesize that CBD-based therapy could help people with arthritis and even animals (in fact, CBD oil for dogs exists), avoiding the continuous intake of analgesic drugs, which also have very severe side effects.
Despite this, more human research is needed to confirm this hypothesis with certainty.
Cannabidiol benefits in people with cancer.
CBD as a pain reliever is also a potential help for cancer patients, particularly for reducing the side effects of chemo and radiotherapy.
In particular, the studies of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on CBD affirm that this cannabinoid can be a useful ally of cancer patients, as it is capable of significantly attenuating the severe side effects of therapies.

Research conducted on humans offers good results regarding the reduction of the following symptoms after taking CBD:
- ache
- nausea
- lack of appetite
Another cannabinoid study published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management (JPSM) shows that the combined use of THC, CBD, and opioids has a more significant pain-relieving effect than using opioids alone.
It means that the two active ingredients of cannabis have a noticeable analgesic effect.
However, even in this case, further research on humans is needed that can confirm the benefits of CBD as a contrast to chronic pain and resulting from other therapies.
Read also: Legal Moonrock: The must-have CBD rock dusted with CBD hashish.
In conclusion
The analgesic effect of CBD is strongly the subject of studies that have been mainly conducted in the laboratory (in test tubes and on mice). Studies conducted directly on humans are, for the moment, small. It is why cannabidiol has not yet been formalized as an active therapeutic ingredient.
As a result, products based on this compound (such as CBD oil Sensitiva and the CBD Oil Sativa) cannot be sold as therapeutic. However, they retain all the positive effects of cannabidiol.
We hope that research on this natural compound will continue to flourish and help many patients combat pain and other symptoms.
Meanwhile, visit JustBob‘s well-stocked CBD online Shop, for light hemp, CBD hash and CBD oil. We are waiting for you!