Everything there is to know about the interaction between CBD and chemical hunger.
If you too are a legal weed lover, you’ve probably wondered what correlation there is between CBD marijuana and appetite. The so-called chemical hunger is that phenomenon so famous that after smoking marijuana, you feel a great desire to eat.
But does this mechanism have a scientific basis or is it just a legend? The answer was found a long time ago for classical marijuana, which, being abundant in THC, actually has this kind of effect on the organism of those who consume it.
What happens is that THC binds to the CB1 receptors of our endocannabinoid system, stimulating the production of the ghrelin hormone, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger. However, classic marijuana, besides being illegal, also has strong psychotropic effects, caused by the high THC content.
In contrast, CBD weed has a shallow THC content (below 0.2 per cent) and a high CBD content, the “good” cannabinoid of cannabis. Unlike classic hemp, legal cannabis can be bought in many physical shops and CBD online shops, such as JustBob.

But what is the relationship between CBD and appetite?
What you’re probably wondering is whether legal marijuana has the same effect, causing chemical hunger. The answer is no, or rather, not directly: what happens is that CBD, thanks to its antiemetic properties, counteracts the feeling of nausea, typical of people with no appetite, and intestinal inflammation.
In this way, CBD is indirectly able to help in case of lack of appetite. Besides, marijuana terpenes amplify the sense of smell and taste, making us perceive certain smells as more succulent than usual.
Let’s now look at 3 reasons why you might choose to use legal cannabis to combat a lack of appetite.
1) CBD and appetite: legal cannabis is a natural and chemical-free product.
As we have said in the previous lines, the antiemetic action of CBD, contained in high percentages in legal cannabis, fights the feeling of nausea and vomiting typical of people with no appetite. The repulsion for food can be due to many factors but often coincides with some health problem.
One of the typical situations is in case of cancer, but even minor discomforts such as anxiety can lead to lack of appetite. Eating is fundamental for our body and not doing so, especially when you are sick, does not help to heal quickly.
Using CBD cannabis to soothe the feeling of nausea can be an excellent natural remedy, as it is a certified organic product (like Justbob’s cannabis inflorescences) and free of toxic substances. Therefore, using legal marijuana may help you to reawaken your appetite and regain optimal health.
2) Combat lack of appetite with CBD: use legal cannabis without medication.

As you already know, lack of appetite is often linked to health problems, whether they are major or minor. CBD, contained in high percentages in legal cannabis, can help soothe the sensation of nausea and vomiting and therefore, indirectly, awaken your appetite.
Hemp inflorescences come from organic crops, so it is a natural and certified product. Using light marijuana to stimulate your appetite can, therefore, be an excellent natural alternative to medications, which should never be used except in situations of extreme discomfort.
It is well known that many medications weigh down the liver and kidneys, so before opting for drug therapy, you may want to try to regain your appetite with light marijuana.
One of the most popular legal cannabis strains to combat lack of appetite is Lemon Cheese, which combines the properties of CBD, present at 19%, with lemon flower aromas, which are very pleasant in case of nausea.
3) CBD and metabolism: use CBD oil as a dietary supplement to restore appetite.
Besides the inflorescences of legal hemp, another advantageous product to combat lack of appetite is CBD oil. It is a natural preparation derived from hemp, totally free of THC and therefore free of psychotropic effects. CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis plant and dissolved in a vegetable oil base, e.g. coconut or olive oil.
This product is sold in online shops and physical stores in various concentrations, from the lowest to the highest. Depending on how you want to use it and the physiological response of your body, you can opt for a specific concentration range or another.
CBD oil is mainly used as a dietary supplement and, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiemetic properties, it can help the body to combat lack of appetite. Awakening the appetite is significant, and doing so with a quality natural product, such as CBD oil, can be a good option.
Read also: In Colorado, marijuana is legal, and soon maybe, it will be legalised throughout the United States.
Buy legal marijuana inflorescences and organic CBD oil against lack of appetite on JustBob.
As you may have read, fighting lack of appetite with CBD cannabis is possible, because CBD, thanks to its beneficial properties, can help your body regain its appetite. To do this, you can use light cannabis inflorescences from JustBob, our legal cannabis online shop.
Inside you will find a wide assortment of:
All our products come from organic crops and are certified, from Do Si Dos CBD flowers to legal Charas.
What are you waiting for then? Click here and order your cannabis inflorescences now on JustBob!