Cannabidiol: the new magical elixir?
“Branded as the new magical elixir, Cannabidiol is increasingly being used over a wide range of applications such as pharmaceuticals, dog treats, and even bath bombs just to mention but a few. This begs the question, does it do all this, or is it a fad being used to fix our anxious times.”
It is really hard to point out the exact moment when CBD, one of the most sought cannabis derivative, rose from just an alternative for cannabis users to a mainstream product enjoying its independence of use. One might say that it rose to fame when Mandy Moore told Coveteur that she had been using CBD as a relief from the pain she experienced for wearing high heels or when Willie Nelson introduced Willie’s Remedy, CBD infused Coffee beans. Even with the hype around the use of this cannabis derivative, it is imperative to ask whether it is the start of a new miracle or is it just hype that signals that peak CBD has already been achieved?
Various proponents have presented arguments that CBD cannabis can be used in the treatment of diverse ailments such as cancer, post-traumatic stress, depression, insomnia, anxiety, acne, pain, and inflammation. With the Marijuana and hemp plant being in existent for a while now, it is not uncommon to ponder whether this cannabis derivative is a cure for the 21st century. No public consent has been reached yet; the debates on its use are continually driving a huge rift between the various proponents. The current CBD craze can be likened to that of Bitcoin back in 2016 where it was the topic everywhere, but nobody understood it at all. Nevertheless, lot of websites where you can buy online CBD cannabis keep on proliferate.
What is CBD?
CBD, which is short for cannabidiol, is one of the active ingredients that is derived from plants in the cannabis family. What makes this natural component of interest to many is the lack of a psychotic feeling associated with THC, another cannabis plant derivative, meaning that it is safe for use without any form of “highness” and does not affect the cognitive function of the brain.
However, it is important to note that after taking CBD, do not expect to feel perfectly normal. Though it lacks a psychoactive effect, you can expect of a bodily high rather than a mind-altering high. Gabe Kennedy, a founder of one of the many startups dealing in CBD oils and Capsules in New York, has stated that CBD has a warm bath like effect which tends to take all your tension away. It is characterized by a smoothing and leveling sensation, fused together with balanced attention and focus of the mind.
Cannabis for Non-Smokers
With CBD finding its use in almost every sphere of life such as ice creams, oils, etc., it becomes an almost impossible task to state the speed of which it has transitioned from a sideshow to taking up the center stage. A few years ago, one might have been forgiven for being unaware of the cannabis element. However, the current hype about the element is similar to that of discovering penicillin or even yoga.
The number of reviews both in online forums and personally endorsed reviews on CBD are increasingly being observed everywhere. CBD disciples have adopted a quasi-religious talk about the element. On forums such as Reddit, you can find testimonials of how users after trying CBD are living a happy, anxiety-free life and looking to live a much longer one with the continued use of CBD.
There are various takes that can be drawn from such testimonials, one of them being that CBD is maybe one of the perfect cure for this day and age. That is, the various health and other benefits with very narrow chances of experiencing side effects. However, with every cultural era having its defining mental illness, it can also mean that CBD can also be a signature drug for this era.
For example, the post-war era was characterized by the use of sedatives as the signature drug. This was evidently seen in some of the pop songs that dominated the era, such as Jacqueline Susann in “Valley of the Dolls.” The 1990 recession saw a steady rise in the use of antidepressants. The current generation is having anxiety as the defining sociological condition of the modern-day millennials and making it the most convenient time to bestow a perfect cure that promotes wellness and self-care to some extent.
A Race To Where?
The market has been hit with a huge and wild wave of CBD infused products, think about CBD oil for example, making it hard to embed a fitting analogy to this scenario. But one thing for sure, this seems like a race. But it is not your typical type of race. This is one that is filled with uncountable and unforeseen uncertainties. For example, CBD has become an underlying obsession for millennials.
A research carried out by showed that baby boomers are using CBD as a treatment for arthritis and pain. These are people that have been absent in the cannabis game for a very long while. However, even with this kind of research, it seems like CBD has managed to identify its natural target who tend to flock in trendy hotels that offer CBD infused foods, among other services.
Such products have appealed to many since they offer a degree of cannabis indulgence without the literal indulgence.
For the longest time, much as CBD has the benefits that it is attributed to, the approach taken to it has always been misleading. The cannabis derivative has hit the market with promises and advertisements that are meant to cover the fact that its roots are recreational. It has been marketed as a corrective measure to some of the ills such as combating the effects of alcohol and even marijuana itself, an approach that is very misleading to the consumers.
The Legal Status of CBD
Legal weed is mostly derived from fiber-type cannabis (hemp) due to high concentrations in such plants rather than drug-type cannabis (marijuana). With farmers and corporations being allowed to grow hemp in different parts of the world, CB is still accompanied and governed by strict government regulations.
In the European Union, for example, the cultivation of cannabis is allowed, but it has to be registered in the EU’s Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species, and one should ensure the weed seeds used will generate a product in which THC level does not exceed 0.2%.
The issue of legality is very trivial when it comes to growing. The elephant existed when the discussion changes to CBD infused products. For example, how much CBD and THC concentration should a CBD infused product have? There has been pragmatism when dealing with this issue — mixed feelings in different jurisdictions. CBD products in the Netherlands might contain THC levels of up to 0.05% while according to the Dutch laws, any product with detectable levels of THC is illegal.
Real Risks with CBD
One of the key questions that arise when discussing legal issues surrounding CBD cannabis is whether its categorization falls under food supplements or medicine. The difference between the two categories is that food supplements will be termed as safe until proven otherwise, while medicine will be termed as unsafe until proven safe for use. Therefore, it begs the question of whether CBD weed is safe when used by patients, the elderly, and children when consumed in unregulated and large quantities. Even with organizations such as the World Health Organization ruling out the possibility of health problems associated with the use of CBD flowers , the real risk comes with the number of unknown compositions present in CBD bud infused products.
Cannabis can be contaminated if obtained from uncontrolled sources. Contaminations include chemicals and other additives that are used in increasing the potency, weight, and yield of the cannabis and hemp plant. These can cause severe issues leading to hospitalization. CBD infused coffee sold in Dutch stores has tested positive for pesticides. This has also happened in medical cannabis in Canada.
The Way Forward
The approach taken by most people to CBD is very wrong. When people use CBD oils to cure erectile dysfunction and Acne, it becomes very hard to set apart the science from the hype. Assuming that CBD-infused products such as CBD cannabis oils, tinctures and salves are just but a fad is also wrong as you will be surprised by the potential that the substance has in treating maladies such as cancer, insomnia, and schizophrenia.
CBD cannabis is one promising drug that can be used in the fight against neuropsychiatric diseases that have plagued humanity for a very long time. This is because of its combination of effectiveness and safety that it brings when used in several conditions.
CBD is not a fad.
However, we cannot parade it for solving all the existing health problems. The future of the CBD industry lies in getting the correct facts rather than using fiction to promote a false narrative to the masses. There is a need for a proper approach to deal with the hype surrounding CBD and its uses. Putting CBD in coffee does not guarantee that it is in the correct quantity for it to do anything. There is a need for education before acquiring any CBD product.
Check our blog to learn more about CBD and its benefits.