Starting from: 3,60$/g
The Charas – CBD Hashish
Charas is undoubtedly one of the best CBD hashish products in the legal cannabis CBD market. One of the main reasons is certainly the particular method of extraction of hashish, which until recently could only be observed in India. The greatest concentration of production occurs not by chance in India, Pakistan or Nepal. In fact, the latter is originally extracted from cannabis plants that grow naturally along the flanks of the Himalayas.
The Overview
Charas’ appearance is very inviting, due to the delicate shade of colour that reminds the caramel one. The main characteristic of this extract is the notably light colouring, that comes directly from the resin nuance of the plants used for the manufacturing. This type of legal hashish appears soft and workable to the touch, but at the same time dense.
The Aroma
One of the main features of this hashish is its aroma; the latter is very reminiscent of the extracts and resins that have spread in the last few years in America. The smell is strong, intense and enveloping with fruity notes combined with pungent hints of mint, forest and earth.
Origin and Cultivation
This hashish CBD derives from Italian crops located in Tuscany. This farm, which has become renowned in recent years, cultivates only cannabis CBD varieties suitable for hashish and high CBD oil extraction. The peculiarity of the Charas is the production methodology. In fact, this is the only variety of Hashish that is obtained from the still fresh marijuana plant, rubbing the lower part of the buds. The plants of this company are grown both outside (outdoor) and in greenhouses (greenhouse) following the organic regulation.
The Origins
The use has ancient origins with different mentions also to the Indian mythology. Hemp, for example, is a powerful aphrodisiac that produced effects even on the god Shiva, according to a Nepalese legend. This production methodology has developed in recent years also in Europe where the Charas has become a symbol of quality.
The percentage of CBD indicated above is purely indicative and represents the maximum value obtained in the laboratory on this strain. Unfortunately, the product is a plant and there can be significant variations in the percentages of cannabinoids from one flower to another.
Despite the variability, JustBob guarantees the legality of all the individual lots as the THC is analyzed daily on all the products sold.
6 reviews for CHARAS
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This Legal hash is super good, I really loved it!
This Legal hash is super good, I really loved it!
This Legal hash is super good, I really loved it!
This Legal hash is super good, I really loved it!
good quality but I have trouble using it, for those like me I recommend cannabis flowers
better than I thought. I think I’ll buy it again in the future
soft and fragrant but maybe I prefer the bourbouka
the best hash I bought online